DIY Kinetic Sand with Coloured Sand – Creative Sand

DIY Kinetic Sand with Coloured Sand

There are so many ways for kids to explore with fun and bright coloured sand and we wanted to share this recipe for making your own kinetic sand.

Whether its white for creating a Winter Wonderland play or bright pink for creating a colourful Willy Wonka world, the sky is the limit.

You  will need:

  • 5 cups of coloured sand
  • Total of 1 cup + 3 tablespoons of cornstarch
  • Half a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid diluted in 1 cup of water


Put the sand in a container, add cornstarch and mix thoroughly, then add water with diluted dishwashing liquid. Mix well and keep in a sealed container.

You can adjust the texture of your kinetic sand by adding more water. The texture needs to be moist, but not slimy. If you feel like the sand is too wet, then leave the container lid open for it to dry up a little. This sand can keep for a few months and if you find it getting dry after some time, just add a little water as an easy solution. Enjoy!


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